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Hey everybody! Sorry for the somewhat late update. I've been dealing with a frozen shoulder for the last few months, and after my Chiropractors appointment yesterday, my arm was too sore for me to do much other than lay down and ice my arm. I'm feeling much better today.

The above picture was sent to me as a thanks for the Live stream I did this week weekend. Pretty sweet!

I was hoping to have the last of Kellys images finished today, but the livestream and my bed rest have put me a little behind. I have one more scene to render. I don't know how many pictures will be in the scene, but I'm hoping to have it finished by tomorrow night. 

I have also been mapping out 0.09, and have a pretty good list additions to be added with the next full update. I'll probably share that list next week, when I've finally started working on it.




thats my fave outfit off all the girls right know :)


I was pretty proud that I could turn her skirt pattern into shorts. That was the first time I have ever done that :)

Jacob Kain

I just backed, and want to say keep up the good work. Already the style of game, the combination of mind control or social manipulation + personality amplification (or modification) is apparently something I never knew I wanted.