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Hey everyone! Here's my weekly update.

Instability states Renders 50%

Instability state coding 50%

Bedroom Visual update 100%

Negative interactions GUI 100%

Negative interactions coding 80%

Negative interactions rendering 20%

School mechanics 80%

School GUI 100%

School renders 100% (for this update anyway)

Psychosism GUI 20%

Psychosism coding 20%

I've pretty much built out the negative interactions. I'm just trying to get my abacus...I mean...computer to render the required pictures. 

I ordered my new computer a week ago, and just today got the confirmation that my order has been processed...Which means I'll probably get my new computer at the very end of the month, and that's annoying.  I was hoping to finish off this updates renders with the new computer before next month, but alas...it's not to be. I'll keep trying to get this dying calculator to render, but the release of the next update might be a few days later than intended. I'm now looking at the first week of July for 0.07 to be released to the patrons. This next week, I'll be focusing on Psychosism.



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