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This is coming out a little late, but I wanted to see how much work I got finished before the end of the first week before I started Jabbering about progress...

Here's what I've gotten done in Loser.

Finish Refactoring from the last update. 100% done. There are no more buttons using the old code in the game, and I've extracted the Archetypes to be Scriptable Objects, which makes it easier for me to work on them.  :)

Inventory and Hotbar overhaul. Done. Topics now stack in your inventory and storage, and your hotbar remembers what was in your hotbar and refills to the best of it's ability when you enter a room that allows you access to your inventory.

New Feature: Lifestyles...These allow you to embrace/reject particular skills you've picked up. For example If you're tired of Laziness reducing your stats, you can embrace Tidyness, which rejects Laziness, and gets rid of all the positive and negative bonuses from the laziness skill. Currently: Tidyness-Laziness is complete. Healthy-Unhealthy about 70% complete. More Lifestyles will be added in future updates, but I only plan to release these two in this update.

This weekend I plan to finish up the planned lifestyles and start working on a new Location The park, and begin working on adding in a new job or two.

Anywho...not bad for the first week of Dev...things are going fairly smoothly...and it won't be long before I start working on new AT's .



Bob Zimmerman

Can I change jobs in Loser?

Karl from Norway

One thing I've experienced. When you get quite a few number of skills, and the girls get quite a few personalities to choose from... The game can't display them all.... you scroll until it won't scrool anymore, but you can see JUST about at the bottom that there is more.