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Devblog - Why so much focus on Mom?

I imagine you may be wondering why I haven't really done much outside of  work on Mom. Simply put, when I was developing RAGS, I kept expanding the world and adding functions as I went, which made adding new functions more and more tedious. Alpha 0.13 had 14 characters. Alpha 0.14 introduced MC mechanics. I had to go through and insert the MC code into each character. It took a good 8 hours per character to do this. That's half a work month. This time around I want to have 1 complete character with all character functions created before I move on to the next character as it will be easier to copy and modify than add as I go. So needless to say, Once we get close to a complete character, that is when I'll move this out of DEMO and into Alpha as I will be able to start expanding the world, and cast. I'm using Mom as the template since I know everyone will interact with her, regardless of perk choices.




Thanks for the update! When I played the Rags version I did as you said and used MC on the Mom first and then others as my powers and lay of the land grew. I liked to use my powers not to create the white eyed zombie mom but the mom who loved me and would do 'anything' for me. Again as you say I would develop control over mom first then expand others to my ...eh 'Harem?' What a 'Hero' my guy was lol. PS another great pic of Mom...now which towel will I get her to drop?


@Gnarl : Yes and no. You'll have to wait and see ;)