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Hey everybody...Here's were we're at with the next SP release.

90% rendered

40% written

50% coded

I've done a lot of work on finishing the school year off with a bang(or three :p ) and should be finishing the renders for this update sometime today. Then for the next week I'm gonna write and code what's left. I have a a big chunk of the code already done on structuring the changes to the yearly schedule, but there's a lot of touch up needed regarding tooltips and things like that. Plus I need to write the the additional content that's been provided by the top tier patrons. So I should effectively be ready for a test build sometime mid next week, and have a full build out shortly there after.   :) Anywho, that's what's going on on my end. Keep your eyes open for new stuff very soon :D




How long do you think it will be untill we see next update after test build if you make a fair guess? :)