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Hey every people,

Time for the weekly update. I held off on posting this earlier so I could see how much work I got done. I'm almost a third of the way finished with this next updates renders, so I'm on track there :)  I plan to have the last of the NCHDL storyline finished with this update, which means I'll only have one or two updates left before I can tie a bow on the school and move on to developing new locations. I will be holding a vote near the end of next month in regards to who I'm gonna work on next. It's been nice taking a break from character development for a while and just focusing on story, but this world I'm creating for you folks isn't gonna build itself. 

I will be doing the monthly Livestream this weekend(sorta). I'll be streaming Sunday and Monday.  So all you $30 patrons be sure I know what I should be working on, or I'm gonna make whatever I want :P



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