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Well it's a little late. I had hoped to have this released yesterday, but ridding the game of bugs took up all yesterday, and uploading took all of today. But none the less. It's out now.

What's new?

  • The amount of ArcheTypes in the game has gone from 4 to 11. 
  • Number of characters has also increased.
  • New Skill : Photography has been added
  • Tons of new actions
  • A new character
  • 2 new Locations
  • 2 new online shops
  • Tons of new topics & items
  • 3 new animations (with another on the way)
  • New Inventory Mechanic: Wardrobe for stuff you don't need to carry around with you.
  • Much more...

I plan to have another release in a few days when the last animation is finished for this release. 







See summertime saga making 54,ooo a month... I just love the triggered scenes in Summertime saga, but waiting months for them to develop is annoying.


when is next superpowered v coming? :)