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Hey everybody!

So the bug hunt for the Superpowered test build is going well. A shout out to all my tester peeps. They help the game out more than you know, and with an update like this, with lots of little pieces that "bend" the rules, bugs...there will be many. I plan to have the full update out tomorrow, so keep an eye for it :D

Next...as the above image implies, I begin working on Loser as soon as Supowered 0.37.00 goes live. My first week is going to be focused on adding in more skill actions, and filling out some of the skill trees with content. Second week will be doing some under the hood work, fixing a few things, adding a new system, playing with numbers. The last two weeks of Dev will be focused on adding in tons of Archetype content to the characters of the game. As seen above I already have some archetype content made thanks to my $30 Patrons (almost 2 full archetypes worth of renders) 

Current Minimum Goal: 2 new AT's for Diane, 2 new AT's for Becky, 1 new AT for Gina, 2 new AT's for Charlie (The next door neighbor)

I say minimum, because if I can add more in my given timeframe, I will.




I still have not managed to play Loser, but that screenshot may have finally sold me ;)