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Hi everybloody,

Time for an update. The SP update 0.35.00 was released this weekend, and as of today, I've released the last patch .04 earlier this morning. This month I work on Loser, which I'm excited for ^_^

I've already done quite a bit since the tech demo was released 2 months ago. I've added a save/load function,  and am 85% done with the characters screen, so you can view the details of a character. And as of last night I made Dianes second Archetype. Once I get the character creation code sorted out (image above). I'll begin rendering more of the house, creating more actions, and adding more of Gina and Becky into the game. Most of the code heavy lifting is done ^_^ I'm almost to the good stuff. Content creation :D 

I'll keep you informed of my progress for the next 4 weeks. Afterwards, I'll be getting back to finishing up Chelsea. While working in Unity, My streaming schedule will be spotty, since coding is not the best streaming material. Join the Discord Channel if you'd like to keep updated on when I do go live.



A. Charles Magnus

This may well be one of the top adult games I have ever played, and I have played most of them. For 30 years I have looked, this is in the top 10 out of thousands that I have played. The complexity, and intricate nature of the powers v the flaws, the methods each player can use to use or abuse those powers, the fact that you start out a skinny geek, and in actuality STAY that way in your natural form. All these things make me more than happy to wait for the next update. I apologize for the long winded monologue, but it was so you would know that when I say I LOVE YOUR WORK, it wasn't some gushing 19 year old. This is one hell of a game, keep up the good work.