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Hey Peoples! It's that time again!

So last week I finally got 0.34.00 out  and am now working on 0.35.00. This update I have a handful of odds and ends I liked to to add into the game. along with some delayed content. I can't give a diffinitive list of stuff yet, but the picture above is a bit of a hint ;)

Side note. I'll be doing the $30 stream this month on Thursday + Friday, so if you are in the $30 patreon club, make sure your requests are in with me, or I'll just make whatever I want :)




It's the community college teacher, Lin Cui or some such, It was in the Rags game. I can never remember faux asian names after learning about the real ones... Y'all need to know about the real ones...


I don't need to anything but eat and breathe. Everything else is choice. DAD!