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Hey guys...Time for an update! I'm gonna keep this fairly short, as I don't have a lot of time today, nor do I have a lot of info to share. 

  • A test build has been released, and bugs have been properly chased for 0.32.00 YAY!
  • The next update will be released by Friday. I just need to finish the $30 content. YAY!
  • I'm pushing my livestream schedule back a day this week. So I'll be streaming Wed-Fri. BOO!
  • The vote is in and Option 1 for Chelsea's slut oufit won by just 2% over Option3. YAY!
  •  I start rendering Chelsea starting tomorrow. YAY!
  • Finally, The $30 livestream will be happening this Saturday and Sunday. YAY!

So I'm gonna be a bit tuckered out after this week :(




>Option 1 for Chelsea's slut oufit won Good to see sanity (or is it sane debauchery...) prevailed YAY!


Best outfit won woo hoo