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Hey peoples,

I'm doing the finishing touches on the final test build now. I meant to get this out a few days ago, but I wasn't feeling too hot, and ended up sleeping it off instead. 

That being said, I'm gonna be releasing the new test build soon(sometime today), and I'll be releasing the new patreon build in a day or so after, once I get a report of any bugs.

Outside of that, I'm gonna be taking something of a light week. I need a small vacation, as I haven't taken one this year, not counting when I was sick back in March, and when I moved back in January, which aren't really vacations. I'll be watching for bug reports, and what not, but I won't be streaming this week.

I feel comfortable doing this as most of next month, I'll be working mostly on Samantha render remakes, which requires little in the way of writing or coding.



Fan of Puzzles

Enjoy and take some time off. You deserve it. The game is great!


Take a full week off man you deserve it!!!!