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What's New?


  • Polymorph Contact actions
  • Negative Actions
  • Invite over Scene
  • Corrupted Scenes
  • Mischief Action ($30 patron content)


  • New Fetish Branches


  • Classroom Scene Completion  ($30 patron content)   


  • Mischief Action  ($30 patron content)  

Gating Mechanic: Lesbian

What's it mean?


  • Polymorph Contact actions: If you have the gender swap transformation, you now have access to female version of the standard contact actions with Nikki, since she has no interest in your male form. There is also a new option during the sex action if you have certain transformation powers, and perk.
  • Negative Actions: Standard Billy being an asshole actions.
  • Invite over Scene: If you can change genders, this scene is now available, with an additional branch for more advanced polymorphs.
  • Corrupted Scenes: Corrupted Scenes + 1 additional Branch
  • Mischief Action: Billy can now steal Nikki's clothes during Gym as well.


  • New Fetish Branches: During Stephanie's Fetish action, if you have specific Transformations, you can explore other scene branches.


  • Classroom Scene Completion: Allies Classroom scene that you encounter when you get a critical success is now finished.


  • Mischief Action:  Billy can now steal Sandra's clothes during Gym as well. 

 Gating Mechanic: Lesbian - Nikki is a lesbian, and is therefore not willing to progress through sexual actions the way other characters normally would. In this update you can only access adult content with Nikki if you have the ability to gender swap from the polymorph power. There will be other avenues in the next update.

That it?:

Yes....and no. I've already rendered all of Nikki's M/F scenes in anticipation of the next update, when you'll have ways to get frisky with Nikki, regardless of your plumbing.




i'm curious. when it says that something is $30 patreon content, does that mean that only the $30 patreon pledgers can access it? because i haven't found the mischief opportunities yet.


this content is something that may have been suggested by a $30 patreon To get the mischief opportunities, you have to have lower alignment and then go to the gym. Mischief will pop up as an option along with track, basketball, and swimming


Yeah, I figured it out when I tried a low morality run, but thanks for taking the time to explain it.