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Hey everybody!

Here's where we're at with Nikki.


Sex interaction - M/F : 100% rendered

Coercion Scenes - M : 90% rendered

Corrupted Scenes - M/F : 0%

Nympho Scenes - M/F : 0%

Obsessive - M: 0%

Fetish - M/F : 0%

As you can see she's coming along nicely. Not bad considering a new build came out a week ago. I'll be finishing her coercion scenes and moving onto her corrupted scenes today. 

As a heads up, I have a minor hotfix for the latest build working. I'll probably release it tonight or tomorrow, depending on how much time I have tonight. I may be tied up with personal life stuff later than I'd like.

I'll be starting my stream early today at 11am CST and ending at 5pm CST. You can catch my rendering at https://picarto.tv/NightCityProductions. This sunday starting at 1pm CST I'll be doing the monthly $30 stream. Everybody is welcome to come watch and chat.



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