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Hey Everybody! Let's jump into it real fast :D


What's done so far for 0.19.00:

Neighborhood Watch content: 100% Rendered 25% written/coded

Male Thief: 100% Rendered 100% Post edit complete

Female Thief: 100% Rendered  100% Post edit complete 

School Job content: 100% Rendered

Female Student: 100% Rendered  100% Post edit complete 

Male Student: 100% Rendered  0% Post edit complete  

Sympathic Link-Combat: 100% coded

Psychosism Combat: 100% coded

Additional Tutorial Content: 70% written & coded

Bug & Typo Hunt: 90% bugs fixed

Advanced Combat: 40% coded

Stephanie Fetish Content: 50% Rendered

So last week was pretty damn rough on my time table. My rendering workstation was slowing down so much, I decided to do a soft reset. Which took about 3 days to get everything back on track, however, I kept getting Blue screens, when I would render, which was slowing down my progress dramatically. Turns out the latest Nvidea drivers were flawed and causing the blue screens. Luckily a new driver was released on Sunday, and it's resolved that problem, but...a lot of my time was spent trouble shooting the driver issue (I took my computer apart and cleaned it, inside and out), when I would have rather spent that time writing. So i have a lot of content almost done. And I'm trying to button down everything I can to get a test release out soon.

I wanted to touch on the mention of Advanced Combat for a sec. So far you've only fought the Bum, and he's only shown you a small portion of what we've programmed into the combat engine. I'm cracking that egg open now, and it's taking a bit of time, just to write out all the descriptions :P I won't say much, but...Well Endowed will be useful in combat ^_^

I'll be working on Stephanie's Fetish content today and maybe tomorrow on https://picarto.tv/NightCityProductions 1pm - 7pm CST



Mike Pope

LOL! I can just see Billy slapping someone around with his... yeah, ok, that's NSFW content right there...