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The above image was rendered today. Apparently Billy's been a bad boy!  Sadly I wasn't able to finish all the rendering today, so I'll be rendering tomorrow as well. More importantly, I'm gonna aim for a release of 0.15.00 on Wednesday. Hopefully I'll have a new test build out for $20+ backers by Sunday so I have a day or two to bughunt, before finalizing the new release.



Mike Pope

No passwords available, Baal...


small bug report: if you try to grope someone it says you need 40 Love and 40 Lust to do so, but at 21 Lust and the 'well-endowed' perk I was able to grope Kelly. But still when under 20 Lust it told me I needed 40 Also, after further testing of the 'critical success' bug it appears to just be when you score a critical success in Debate that the day skips to night.