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Hi, it's Cheesy again! I'm so excited to share my art again with you all. What I find very special about these pieces is that this is actually my first time drawing all the love interests of “Something’s Wrong With Sunny Day Jack”. I’m absolutely over the moon that this project made everything all the more memorable. This time around, I applied a different art style for these pieces since I was inspired by mid-century artworks such as those found in magazines, advertisements, and posters. My aim was to capture that classic aesthetic by emphasizing sharp, geometric shapes. In addition, I included flower metaphors that I would associate with each character. I’ll admit I had a harder time with the flower research than with the renders since there are so many ways to interpret flowers! I always begin my process with a light sketch and make sure that my draft is already fairly polished before I begin my coloring stage. In this style, I render by utilizing the select tool in my software for pretty much throughout the whole procedure to ensure those crisp and sharp shapes. I lay down the main colors before I use a rough flat brush to render the shadows and textures in one go. Funnily enough, I usually save the line art as one of the ‘finishing touches’ in this particular art style.

Although I brain rotted hard for TGOGM, Sunny Day Jack will always be my first love <3. I intended for him to be the only character who is looking directly at and pointing his bouquet toward the viewer. It's a tiny detail that gives off a subtle “4th wall break” to make things a little interesting. I chose Sunflowers for Jack as a nod to his name and how sunflowers are meant to represent joy and happiness. For Shaun, I chose catnip flowers not only because of how much he adores cats but also because I heard these plants are associated with love and attraction as well. For Ian, I went through several choices for his flower though I ended up choosing crimson anemone flowers to represent tragic love and being forsaken in relation to what we know about him so far in the story. As for Nick, I drew him carrying a bouquet of hellebore flowers based on what had happened to him at the end of the SWWSDJ Demo. Although hellebore flowers are delicate and beautiful, has a history of being associated with fear and distress,

Thank you again to SnaccPop Studios for having me in this awesome collab and to you dear reader for dropping by the commentary. I absolutely can't wait for what lies ahead in the “Something’s Wrong With Sunny Day Jack” project! <3 <3 <3 - CheesyCryptid

And with this, we've officially finished our first month of Guest Artist of the Month! Contacting Cheesy, working with them and being able to give these up all to you guys has been amazing! We want to thank Cheesy for her amazing work; we would love to work with you again! And to you, our patrons, for making all of these collaborations possible!

Enjoy, and see you all later~!



Yochina Senpai

"Who do you choose to bring to your high school reunion?"



Georgie just doesn't.

ok but I adore how it kinda looks like Jack just pulled that bouquet out of his jacket. Ta-Da! magic . idk if that was intended but it's so freaking cute regardless