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Your Ghost Opera Boyfriend has requested for you to meet with him, for he has something special to show you, so won’t you sing for him~?

Content warnings:

  • Musophobia / Small Rodent Noises
  • Offered poisoning / killing of off-screen character
  • Imagined / Implied Exhibitionism/Public Play
  • Guided Masturbation (described)
  • Heavy Petting / Fingering/Handjob
  • Cum Eating




FX:  Echoing, Your footsteps, water dripping from cave walls, rat squeaks and skitters.

FX: Organ music distant, slowly getting louder as you walk closer to the room (cave), bit of an echo.

FX: Last note trails off.

OG: “Ah, there you are. My wren, my canary, and my nightingale.”

OG: “What ever could you be here for at this time? My guidance once again? Perhaps that’s just a ploy for my attention? Oh, you darling thing, you should know you don’t ever need an excuse to see me.”

FX: OG laughs and gets closer, footsteps with slight echo.

OG: “Oh, that look! (chuckles) I’m only teasing, I know I asked for you.”

OG: “You see, I have something to show you, but first–”

FX:  OG walks closer to you, before planting a quick kiss.

OG: “Well, it’s a surprise.~” (chuckles)

OG: “And there we have one of my favorite looks on your face, that sweet little fluster! Though I do enjoy all of your expressions.”

OG: “Now! We really do have something to go over! I have it right over here.”

FX:  Two pairs of footsteps as you both walk, a slight echo.

OG: “Take a seat,”

FX: Furniture creaks.

OG: “You will want to be sitting for this.”

FX: Furniture creaks once more as you adjust.

OG: “But I’m already getting ahead of myself, let’s start with the truly important. How has your day been, darling? How have you been coping with… eugh, Our little friend?

FX: Fingers tapping as you “explain.”

OG:  (long, exaggerated sigh) “That prima donna really thinks she can just say anything and get away with it. The gall on her! How can she say anything about you, with your range and power? Your voice which can carry the brightness and joy of a new dawn and lullabies to pierce the heart that would make the mourning doves jealous? Compared to you, she’s a common gull, trying to swoop off with your every opportunity. Oh, the greedy thing.”

OG: “Come to think of it, she’s fairly classless as well. If she were to sense a hint of almond in her wine, I’ve no doubt the glass would be empty in a moment. She’d never even make it out of the dressing room.”

FX: Distant, “imagined” glass shattering of a cup falling.

OG: “Wouldn’t that be lovely? You’d have the stage all by yourself, there to rescue the show when the lead actress is missing.”

FX: Glass tap.

FX: You adjust in your seat once more as you react to him suggesting he poison her wine with cyanide.

OG: “Hm? Oh, I’m entirely serious. I’d do it for you, if only you’d ask. You don’t even need to ask really; a nod would be enough, a smile.”

OG: (chuckles) “We’re not there yet? Alright then, just remember, others would turn on you just the same in this business if you don’t act first. Mm… You’re far too kind, a rose among weeds and snakes. But you know, if you ever fear one tries to bite or prune you, I am at your command to strike first.”

FX:  He claps hands.

OG: “But never mind the rest! A rose and a songbird as yourself deserves to be properly appreciated, and I have just the thing to do so!”

FX: Sound of his footsteps as he walks away and returns, a clipped together stack of paper is picked up off the table and placed in your hands.

OG: “Read it, I beg of you. I’ve written my masterpiece, all thanks to you.”

FX: Paper rustles again as you start to flip through them, adjusting in your seat.

OG: “Well yes, of course you.”

FX: He starts pacing amongst the room. You continue flipping through the pages.

OG: “You are the only thing that’s motivated me, inspired me after years of nothing. It’s all been tailored to you as well. That musical finesse of yours will be needed to project the slightest emotion to the audience.”

FX: You keep flipping through the papers, quickly skimming through the screenplay.

OG: “Not to mention your energy, you have this unique feeling you carry that this role will bring out and enhance for all to admire. You see dear, there’s not a soul on Earth who could play this role but you.”

FX: More page flipping as he continues pacing.

OG: “Now the play itself is quite the work of art. I wouldn’t be surprised if it became a timeless classic, revered hundreds of years in the future. Only a pity the audience of tomorrow will not be able to witness your performance— huh?”

FX: He stops his pacing as you adjust in your chair and thumb through the script.

OG: “Not quite stage appropriate? (chuckles) I don’t know about that, the greatest works in history portray the most carnal acts and lack any clothes to hide their forms, why should the opera be any different? The statues of David and Aphrodite will be put to shame by you in these scenes. Of course, it’s the ones further in that were my… particular favorites to write.”

FX: The paper booklet slams shut as you close it, adjusting in your seat once again.

OG: “Oh, come on now. Is it so wrong of me to think you deserve the attention? Why shouldn’t all of the city wish to embrace you as I do?”

FX: Footsteps as he walks towards you.

OG: “To love and adore you? To have their hearts quicken at the thought?”

FX: A pause as you hold the papers up, saying something.

OG: “W-well, perhaps they would… begin to want you off the stage as much as they do onstage…”

FX: He groans as papers rustle again, taking the script away from you.

OG: “I just remembered, I’m not quite done with that yet.”

FX: He thumbs and flips through the pages as he speaks.

OG: “A few adjustments to make, amendments...

FX: A pause as you tease him.

#: Flustered, not a serious threat.

OG: (gasps) “My word, you devilish thing! As beautiful and dangerous as a lily of the valley! Keep this up and don’t be surprised if the entire chandelier dashes to the ground at the next show! Let’s see you say such bold things then!”

FX: You get up from your seat and walk towards him.

OG: “I’m entirely serious! It would only take a few ropes— Mmph!”

#: You cut him off with a kiss.

OG: (stutters) “W-Well… I-I suppose I can hold off on the reckless endangerment of your coworkers. For now.”

OG: (sighs contently) “You would never know it, but if I’m honest, I can have quite the temper. (chuckles) But never around you, your presence brings me peace I’ve rarely known all my life. It’s no stretch to say none have been as kind or… forgiving of me and how I am as you are.”

OG: “I only wish to do the same for you. Would you allow me to affect you the same way?”

FX: He surprises you with a kiss again.

OG: “What, are you surprised? We’re both artists, creatives after all, and what is art if not translating emotion into new forms?”

FX: He kisses your lips.

OG: “These lips that speak such soft and playful words.”

FX: He kisses your throat.

OG: “This throat that brings such incredible vibrato and trills.”

FX: He kisses your lips once more.

OG: (sighs) “You really did miss out by not reading further in the script. Let me walk you through one of my favorite scenes.”

FX: He sits you back on something soft. Fabric rustling as he runs his hands down your arms.

OG: “You’d be fantasizing about your ideal love, running your hands down your arms just… like this.”

OG: “Head tilting so.”

FX: He manually tilts your head and kisses your neck.

OG: “Heh, now, that may not have been in the script… There’s always room for revisions for our personal show.~

OG: “You’d think of his hands starting just above your hips, slowly and firmly moving up your sides to your back with a purpose, to bring you just a bit closer. Easier to taste, to feel.” (chuckles)

OG: “One hand dragging lower to palm your ass and spread your legs just a bit.”

OG: “Of course, on stage alone, you’d be in the clear view of the audience. Tsk, pesky thing.”

OG: “You’d massage your inner thigh– don’t worry, I’ll do all the work this time. You’d bring your own hand up to undo the front of your top, letting the cool air caress your chest.”

FX: He hums as he undoes your shirt.

OG: “Though, I fear I’d be jealous of even the air if it was the only thing allowed to touch you. (sighs) So soft and relaxed under my palm.”

OG: “We’d all watch in awe as this extra fabric was pushed to the side to reveal such…”

FX: Fabric rustling as he removes your bottoms.

OG: “A lovely sight. Mmm…~

OG: “You in all your glory. And a pause for dramatic tension before…”

FX: Wet sound as he starts touching you. Letting out a chuckle and gasp.

OG: “Oh~ Well… Perfect. Imagine seeing that shine under the spotlights! Though with the candle flames it’s just as enticing, dancing off your arousal.”

FX: Fabric rustling as you look away.

OG: “Ah, ah~! Look at me, there we go. I want you to see the entire show.”

FX: He lets out a moan as he continues toying with you.

OG: “Hm? You want something? Inside? (chuckles) Oh, but that wouldn’t do, would it? I didn’t write that scene like that. But I promise, I did write for you to reach your bliss, this time, at least.” (chuckles)

FX: He continues playing with your sex, kissing you with a moan.

OG: (groans) “I can’t decide which to focus on more, tasting you or watching your expressions on your face. Both are so delicious.” (chuckles)

FX: More wet noises as he plays with your arousal. Returning to kiss your lips and neck, groaning and moaning as he does so.

OG: “Getting tense now, are we? You’re doing so well, maybe I can get you to really show off that vibrato for me~”

FX: He starts to speed up his hand, kissing and sucking at the skin of your jawline and neck.

OG: “Oh! My goodness! That beautiful sound, I think we’ve found a new way to train your voice.”

FX: His hand keeps up the pace as he starts to groan, biting and sucking your neck with a growl.

OG: (growly chuckle) “It’s alright, your costume will cover that up and I won’t stop until you finish, I’m right here.”

FX: He starts panting as he touches you, more wet noises from your intense arousal.

OG: “Right there? Okay, okay, you sound so enthralling.”

FX: His panting picks up, as does the pace of his hand as he pushes you closer to that blissful edge. He lets out a half sigh–half laugh as you finish on his hand.

OG: “Haaa, Stunning.”

FX: He pulls his hand away from your sex, sticking his fingers in his mouth. Moaning at the taste of you.

OG: “So many ways to taste you, never nearly enough time.”

FX: He plants a kiss on your forehead.

OG: “You will be a star, but this beauty, this role, is for my eyes only, yes?”

FX: He chuckles as he kisses you one last time.

OG: “Yummy.~”


Flare Friday

"In Which the Phantom writes a Porno"