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Are you ready to visit your ghost boyfriend~? With the hard work from our new division, SnaccPop PEN (Pictures, Entertainment, Narratives), our first Project DramaBoy audio is almost ready to show you all! Stay tuned and thank you for all your support!



OG: "You’re far too kind, a rose among weeds and snakes. But you know, if you ever fear one tries to bite or prune you, I am at your command to strike first.”

FX: He claps hands.

OG: “But never mind the rest! A rose and a songbird as yourself deserves to be properly appreciated, and I have just the thing to do so!”

FX: Sound of his footsteps as he walks away and returns, a clipped together stack of paper is picked up off the table and placed in your hands.

OG: “Read it, I beg of you. I’ve written my masterpiece, all thanks to you.”



Amazing work as always Tart uwu

Aleshia (Mara)

Bro i giggled like a little girl holy shit 🥺💖