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2023 was fun-- but rough.

Now, SnaccPop is headed more than ever by a whole collective of impressive people from not only all over the world, but all over the creative spectrum! And in assembling the SnaccPop crew, we've been adjusting during the end of the 2023 year.

2024 is where that adjustment turns into progress!

OUT WITH THE OLD!  ( Old projects, that is-)

While SDJ has seen delays and a new episodic structure, we are in the process of pushing for a 1/2 release (demo included) by the end of the year! We hope a single-time purchase with free content updates will keep the game fresh for longer in the hearts of players. And we're hoping to have at least 1/2 of that story out by the end of the year!

Audio Drama Content and BoTM Returns!

Audio drama and BotM content both did very well with audiences during their limited appearances last year! With Project Drama Boy (a non-series roleplay audio initiative) and BotM returning, we're hoping to have more content available to fans this year too!

More Free Content!

We see that we have an ever-growing free-tier fanbase forming. We, at one point, used to make audio dramas free after a certain period! And while this model did take some effort, we'd like to make it our goal to put out additional free content for our subscribers to enjoy, regardless of their financial situation!

More ART!

With additional artists on hand, we're hoping to bring you more accessible art content (SFW or otherwise--) to go with your games, audio, updates, and posts! We'd like to see comics, artist collaborations, and more going forward!

AphroDesia FINALLY

Due to voice actor scheduling mishaps, sick leaves, and more, AphroDesia sadly saw 2023 with minimal updates.  But we'd like to see the series fully revived with an audio pilot and a comic series!


We'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who supported us through 2023. We understand that we fell short of our goals, but this year we'd like to take this year head-on!  

We'd like to MAKE MORE. More art, games, and stories-- we'd like to entertain and share. We'd like to spend 2024 telling more diverse stories with diverse characters! And we'd like to make more men with fat honkers, butts of all sizes, and weird, weird themes and genres.

Let's get this year, together. Let's just get all the men, every man, together. v - v

Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and thank you from SnaccPop Studios



Waffle Milk

I think I need to prepare my heart in advance 🥺


It's been a tough year. I'm glad we've all made it through and I'll be excited to see what's in store.


Low-key wish I had $125 spare dollars because bet your butt I’d be donating it so quick-😭


I am loving the SDJ update! Soooo much hype for Jack and his gorgeous self. Thank you all for these amazing games and future games! 😺😺


You got this snaccpop team! So excited for the art and work y'all put out this year c:


Oh my good I have never spent money so quickly lol I can’t wait 😆