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Are you an 18+ NSFW writer and/or an audio engineer? Then you're the person(s) for us!

We're already combing through all your feedback! Thank you all very much!

And, in response, we've begun to build the infrastructure within SnaccPop Studios to do the following:

- Support limited release or general seasonal wallpapers for Patrons to download (In development)

- Increase our amount of access to conceptual art to patrons

- And begin the hiring process to develop a full audio branch of SnaccPop Studios

But what does that last bit mean?

That means on top of the series content you're seeing, we're hoping to be able to put together a line of Boyfriend Roleplay audios with a more generic background.

We feel like this will allow people who aren't necessarily into one character or another to feel left out. But we also feel like this will allow us to experiment a little more!

Tsundere boyfriends, clingy boyfriends, jealous boyfriends, trucker boyfriends, baker boyfriends...


And it'll allow us to provide more consistent work to our VAs as well as opportunities to new VAs as well! These audios will range from X-rated to soft snuggles and casual events-- but they'll all be first person POV and crafted individually and lovingly! 

You'll still even see characters you know and love! Jack, Jambee, Prince Blossom, and more! 

We're currently hiring for writers and an audio engineer here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S4BgJ_qkpXpjHZc0QRHfXBXcDp0uAbQhq2nT36VD4q0/edit?usp=sharing 

If you or anyone you know might be interested-- consider applying!



Trucker boyfriends?? Roll tide!


Baker?… Reading that, my mind immediately goes to Rory Rainberry fan takes… so many possibilities 😳