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One of the biggest criticisms Sunny Day Jack's newest sprites have garnered was that they felt flat, lifeless, and lacked the cartoon-y spark that so many fans of the previous demos enjoyed.

Part of preparing Sunny Day Jack under a new management team is examining what about production works and what doesn't. For us-- that starts with the art.

While the SnaccPop team settles, implements more deadlines, and adjusts to more balanced workloads we've gone back to basics to find a style for the series which will then be translated into character model sheets to give to additional artists sharing the workload on Sunny Day Jack.

Once those model sheets are done, they can be used to work on both improved, multi-pose sprites AND CGs for the final game.

We hope you all enjoy this sneak peek as we comb through feedback and continue to prioritize putting out a game that reflects the fullest extent of quality!




I really like 3/4 look! It adds a lot more dimension! The last sprite feels a bit too detailed/dark with it's heavier gradient shading, but it is definitely done the best structurally speaking! I really like how the drawstrings follow along the curve of his chest, and how the chest itself is shaded in it. I think the third one maybe has slightly bigger eyes/feels brighter overall, as well which feels nicer on him, especially with his personality.


i really missed the toon-ness of the older sprites, so this is a welcome change! the last batch weren't bad at all, but this makes me very happy :3