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Why is SnaccPop parting ways with Project Enso?

As of now, Project Enso is preparing its statement on the situation. We will also be posting one when the time is adequate, but for now we can say that we have our three-man-lead with people experienced in their areas and in VN production!

We also want to say thank you to Project Enso for all the great work they did for us, however, we believe this decision is the best next step forward to make Sunny Day Jack as best of a game as it can be.

Is the Himbo Engine still going to be used?

Yes. The himbo engine was fully developed within SnaccPop studios thanks for the most part to Gureii and Devian, members of our team who without them would not even be close to reaching our goals as we are today. The Himbo Engine is here to stay!

What will the Patreon rewards look like going forward?

The Patreon rewards will remain entirely the same. Sauce, as it has been said before, will keep working with us all the way! So if you want to get more wonderful art from the studio that you know and love then stay around for more of that >:))

How much content would be contained in a chapter, how many chapters will be released, and release frequency be?

As of right now, we are estimating that the game will be fully divided into three different acts. Act one, as it stands, is 170+ pages with multiple decisions and one ending that you can achieve within the same act! Chapters will be lengthy and will have multiple CGs, custom music, and much more, so you all can absolutely expect lots and lots of content within every act of the game. We will also be very happy to take any and all criticism after the release of every act so we can fully implement it into the next ones! <3

What’s going to happen with DachaBo?

At the moment we find ourselves discussing possible extra content for DachaBo, we'll send out more news on this as soon as we get it!

What’s going to happen with AphroDesia?

While we find ourselves focused entirely on SDJ I can tell you all that if you are a fan of AphroDesia then something very exciting is just around the corner. Standby~!

What's the new expected release date if it's no longer November 2024?

There is no longer a deadline for the FULL game, but there will be deadlines for every Act that we release. We expect to release a deadline by the end of this November for Act 1!

That would be all for this Q&A. I encourage all of you to leave more questions that you may have here, on Discord or wherever! Thanks to all of you for your support~!



I didn’t read this up until now but I do have a concern. You said that the games will be released in episodic releases. I’ve played a visual novel game with a similar concept( Oathbreaker by Rinmaru Games) and it was a good game but ultimately with each episode that was released, I would forget the entire game’s story and premise. Months would go by and when I finally got the new content, I would have to replay the entire game just to remember what happened up to the current point. That is why, for a game that is heavily based off our choices, I think episodic releases would greatly impact the player experince. And I agree with some other concerns Alexandria R brought up about spoilers.


Is the update about the deadline for Act 1 is coming out today still?