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Happy first Wednesday of October! The weather is turning and the best holiday of the year is rapidly approaching, but first: some news about our use of the Unity Engine, Sunny Day Jack, as well as plans for The Groom of Gallagher Mansion moving forward.

Unity Engine Concerns

The news cycle may have moved on already, but if you hadn't heard, Unity tried to implement some devastating fees for developers based on installs of the Unity Runtime. This has sine been resolved and developers won't be subject to fees so long as they remain on the current stable branch of the engine, so SnaccPop Studios intends to continue using Unity for Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack.

One thing that's changed though is that we're not using the Naninovel plugin for the base of SDJ anymore; we've switched to a customized framework that our programmer, DevianDev, has dubbed the "Himbo Engine," whose logo you can see above. While it does run on Unity, we shouldn't be subject to Unity's future fees, and the Himbo Engine branding will separate any association with Unity the company.

Sunny Day Jack

We're done some internal reorganizing to make things easier on our writing team, and our goal is to pump out 20k words this week! Here's another sample of what we've written so far~

Something about this… person… standing before me is so uncanny.
It’s like being faced with the revived corpse of a loved one. It’s like staring down a changeling.
The voice is there, and it carries years and years of memories. But I can’t recognize the person it’s coming from.
A face, covered in shimmery makeup…
A tattoo poking out from the collar of his shirt…
Long hair, manicured nails, nice clothes…
It’s nice anywhere else, but not on someone who I knew as someone else.
This is a fake person. This is an Ian imposter…
Ian: It was kind of supposed to be a surprise.

The Groom of Gallagher Mansion

We're floored by the support and reception so far, and your reviews mean the world to us! We've also sailed past the infamous 10 review algorithm lock on Steam, which means that the Steam platform will begin to show more players the game.

As we're now focusing more on the development of Sunny Day Jack, our plans for localizing Gallagher Mansion will be to use revenue from game sales to fund text translations for each of our target languages (Latin Spanish, Japanese, and Russian in that order) before doing voice dubs. With your support, we hope to bring the game to our international audiences in the near future!

Sorry for the lack of images, but we hope you're all excited anyways. We'll see you next week!




Thank you for the update! Good to know SnaccPop projects remain mostly unaffected by Unity's hubris. The reunion with Ian is going to hurt 😭


I'm so glad to hear you guys will be unaffected, I've been wondering about that since the announcement... Also like, you guys should make stickers of that logo. Would buy. My roommate wants a jacket patch. 😆