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Notes Before Listening

Hello everyone! Today's audio drama is a bit different compared to our other ones, as this scenario is meant to be considered canon to the events of Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack. We've worked closely with our Narrative Designer Biscuwuit to produce this audio drama, and as such, this will contain spoilers for Ian's route and will be a bit darker than usual. Please heed the following content warnings:

  • Discussions of Mental Health, Trauma, Psychological Abuse, etc.
  • Depictions of Low Self-Esteem, Self-Deprecation
  • Mentions of Childhood Abuse
  • Controlled Eating/Dieting

We request that any and all discussions regarding this audio drama be held in the comments section of this post or the Dark Chat channels of the SnaccPop Studios Discord server (in other words, please keep these spoilers outside of public social media). Thank you for your understanding, and we hope you enjoy.


Scenario by BáiYù

Writing by Biscuwuit

Editing by SgtSemiSauce, BáiYù

Ian Duff voiced by Ben Sinning

Audio Editing by Kay


FX: Sounds of cars passing by on the street

Ian: Ugh, I forgot how bad the traffic here was... People drive bumper to bumper like it'll get them to wherever they're going faster. The air is crap too. Blech.

Ian: First place you move is always a shit hole... It'll be so good to get out of here and into a proper home, haha... I-I mean, if they say yes, right...?

# Someone bumps into Ian, cutting him off.

Ian: O-oh, shoot, I'm sorry! Sorry...

Ian: ... Why did I apologize when they're the one who bumped into me? *sighs*

Ian: ... Right then. Gifts. Gotta find the perfect gift. Something that says "I'm sorry, and I care about you," but also "Please move into a super cool beach-front property with me— I promise I can afford it." Something super casual like that.

Ian: ... No, no, nothing too decadent. I-I mean, it's been so long. What if they think I'm just rubbing it in their face... Oh God...

Ian: It's been so long though. I-I can't just get them something cheap. I need them to know I really was working! I-I was, wasn't I? I wasn't just screwing around— Wait, no, not screwing, I-I wasn't being lazy. I-I—

# Ian practices deep breathing techniques.

Ian: ... No. No, calm down. You can't get like this when you haven't even seen what's there. Focus, this isn't about you, it's about someone more important! Come on, pull yourself together Ian.

# Ian enters a store.

FX: Footsteps, background music, and people chattering

Ian: We have all day to browse. There's got to be something here I can work with...

Ian: Alright. So we have the deli. Don't think cold cuts will work. Home and garden— *snorts* Maybe someday, haha!

Ian: Flowers are too cliche. And they die easily too. What a way to apologize. "I love you! Here's a new chore!" No thank you...

Ian: Cards... Cards aren't gifts, but... They can never hurt. Balloons too, maybe?

Ian: Hmm... "Happy Birthday." Nope. Not their birthday... And I don't think... D-Did I even get them anything for their last birthday? I-I think I did, right? Shit...

Ian: "Get well?" Come on, that sounds so offensive! Get well from what? Being abandoned? I might as well bring them a huge middle finger balloon.

Ian: "Wanna be my Valentine?" Mmm. Out of season and tacky. No thank you, I'm in the dog house enough as it is.

Ian: Tch— Nothing here is going to work! If I order something in, it won't be as personal...

Ian: Really, should I even bring an apology gift? I doubt anything I could offer could make up for being such a shit partner...

Ian: ... No. If I give up now, then what will all that have been for. Everything I did, I did it for us, right? How can I just say I'm fine with there being no us then? They'll understand when I show them everything I've accomplished...

Ian: ... What would be proof enough, though?

Ian: Maybe... A new phone! Or how about some wireless headphones? Maybe I could buy a 4K TV for the apartment! We've never had a new TV before. I could say it's for watching movies, and snuggling up like we used to..

Ian: No. For that much I could have just bought a ticket home sooner... Dammit. I don't want to have to feel like I'm bribing them.

Ian: "Here you go, a brand new TV from your generous and totally not an asshole ex-boyfriend who left you to go to school abroad and fucked his producer! Now, will you forgive me? Pretty please?" Gross. I'd look like a bigger prick than I am already, and that's quite the feat.

Ian: ... I want to be sincere this time. I want this to mean something. Something big is going to backfire on me. I should get...

Ian: Of course. Why didn't I think of it before?

Ian: Something smaller! The best things always come in small packages, so why not give them something sweet but more modest?

Ian: ... Maybe a keychain? They can take it anywhere they want, but none of these designs match their tastes. Teddy bears, hearts... Isn't there something more generic? This looks like something I would give to a coworker as a secret Santa gift. Yuck.

Ian: ... Stickers? They could paste them wherever they want! In a notebook? Although they don't study anymore, right... Behind their phone? In... actually, maybe that's too cheap...

Ian: ... Fuck.

Ian: All of this stuff is probably going to end up in the trash or some dusty box in the corner. Big, small, it's a lose-lose situation for us both.

Ian: ... Fuck it. Diet be damned, I need a snack, now.

# Ian walks to the candy aisle.

Ian: Oooh... God, it's been so long since I've had actual candy. Just gotta make sure to keep the wrappers out of sight at home...

FX: Candy wrappers rustling

Ian: ... Am I overthinking this and playing mind games with myself? This shouldn't be so hard, it's just a gift. We've exchanged plenty of gifts! Paper cards, crappy macaroni art, rubber bracelets...

# Ian grabs a bag.

Ian: ... Maybe I just won't bring anything. Maybe I'm just going to make it worse... I don't even know what they're into right now. I-I could buy the completely wrong thing, and then they'll really know how out of touch we are.

Ian: ... We can't be that out of touch, right?

FX: Candy wrappers rustling

Ian: AH! No way! Coconut-lychee jelly cups?! Are these on import?! Ahhhh- I haven't seen these in forever!

Ian: All that sugar content, though... Can I really eat something like this? I have to fit into my costume, and they'll notice if I gain any weight...

Ian: ... But they make me happy. They used to make us happy...

Ian: ... I miss when it was so much simpler. When did things get so tangled up and hard to manage? There's got to be a compromise, or something...

FX: Bag crinkles

Ian: ... Wait, that! Hold that thought! Why didn't I think of that before!?

# Ian sets down the coconut-lychee cups and walks away.

Ian: A fruit basket. That's practically perfect! What says I love you without being cliche, I'm sorry without mourning, I've got money without bragging, and I want to treat you without causing me to skimp on my diet? It's the ultimate gift!

Ian: Here, this one's an organic basket.The arrangement looks amazing... fuji apples, shinko pears, cara cara oranges, and even dragon fruit on top!

Ian: I'm sure they'll love it. It's a beautiful gift to have, and I've never been able to get them something so nice! And since it's fresh, they'll have to eat it and think about how much I love them!

Ian: How cute would it be? Seeing how much I care by giving them foods that nourish their body, but are just as sweet as they are too me~ Maybe I'll even get to cut up the fruits for them? Just like a proper spouse would~!

Ian: Well... Maybe not SPOUSE. I-I don't even know where we stand yet! I'm getting a little excited. I mean, how long has it even been since we last met in person?

Ian: ... It's too much, isn't it. ... You fucking asshole...

Ian: This is something mom would have done. Anything to keep someone around, except without actually changing. Do I know if I've really changed at all...?

# Suddenly, Ian knocks over something. Apples scatter to the ground.

Ian: A-Ah, fuck.

# Ian picks up the apples.

Ian: ... Hah... I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

Ian: ... Or maybe it does. What would that bitch ever have known about love? I know what we have is real. And I'm willing to go to these lengths and more. She never would have been so selfless...

Ian: ... Yeah. No, this is different. I'm not thinking about anybody else but them. Everything I've done has been for them, and everything I have planned will be what's best for us.




DEEP BREATH...ok so he slept with his producer....was it his choice or did the producer not give him a choice? Or maybe even an ultimatum?


For some reason it's not playing?


Awesome voice acting and sound effects! ❤️

Morgan Fowlks

Mmmmm see that toxic person? *points at Ian* We're walking the OTHER WAY!!! 0w0


He slept with his producer?! For us?! That's NOT OK!

Bonnie Callahan

I still don't like Ian, but he is sorta kinda, mayyyyybe just a little cute


This actually makes me worried rather than mad at Ian. He seemed to have a full plan for his future with us and sleeping with the producer seems like this was a sacrifice he made to get closer to that plan for our future. What if he was desperate to get this role that...he offered HIMSELF to the producer to get it? He still shouldn't have done it, but it sounds like he wanted to make sure we were provided for. He had LOADS of options for cheap AND expensive gifts for us, so he has money NOW. I think this makes me a little more cautious about how to feel about Ian until the full game comes out. I could be reaching, but who knows? The point is, Ian would do LITERALLY anything for our character, at least that's what I got from this


Umm...Ian. Im worried now.


THANK YOU exactly what I was considering with how he said it.


I hope we have a full-on discussion with Ian about this in the game, because that, paired with an old artwork of what may have been Ian's mom saying if he wasn't rich, the only company he'd get with his face is a "Paid-for whore with overdue rent" this kinda just unlocked some way more worrying implications...I hope with that description, I don't have to explain. Suffice it to say, I'm going to keep my mind open with Ian from this point forward


I knew it! I knew he did it with the producer! >:0


Talking about toxic boyfriends... He has a distorted view of what love is, his mother made so much damage to him


Ian needs to be in therapy NOT a relationship with MC. With the shitty childhood trauma he likely got from his mom and being so desperate to provide for MC that he'd go and sleep with his producer (I'm assuming that's what it is) man has some serious baggage. While he may genuinely love MC they aren't his therapist or emotional support animal meant to make him feel better. The way he is now he's not a healthy person to be in a relationship with.

Hu Tao

That's some real wet cat energy

Luvii Waltz

I think a good gift in return would be a great therapist for him rather then him staying with us…


That I'm hoping will be PART of our conversation with him. As his partner, we could only do so much. He felt like he had nowhere else to turn to. I'm glad he at least KNOWS he's at risk of repeating his Mom's mistakes and he seems to WANT to change from this audio, but I think part of his arch would be realizing that he needs help beyond just us


Dude he seriously cheated on her to his producer to get a job or even something else. That shitty, no way the MC going to forgive you from that. You serious need therapy and keep away from MC, plus best keep out MC life if value your life cause Jack won't like you special you for hurt them and trying to steal his sunnyshine away. I won't want to go back relationship that you betrayed then you say it was for us. if you really value them that much you wouldn't have slept with the producer or anyone but work hard on your own. Do MC favour don't try to get back relationship use to. You never same relationship again after betrayal is involved. You might forgive over time but it will a difficult road and she ain't going be your girl. They are their own person. Other guys to meet. Plus you never thought they moved on without you.


This made me laugh so much. That is the perfect way to describe Ian.

Macanon Snow

Ian isn't gonna win MC so quickly. I'm sorry... He needs to recover some and get the help he needs. He needs to work on himself and improve his quality of life at least. Overall, good amazing job on the audio


His producer? Huge yikes. I did not expect that twist.

DreamCatcher 5

I feel for him…But I still wouldn’t get back together with him. I figured his past with his mom played a huge role as to why he’s the way he is, but nah man…


Gosh I love how much I adore and hate Ian at the same time. The VA plays a huge role in making his character so beautifully pathetic to me. Ian convincing himself at the end was so deliciously ominous and sad! Amazing work from everyone <3


I remember there was a screenshot of Ian out on a date with MC and he says that they need to keep it between the two of them because he’d get in trouble if his producer found out…


It's one thing if he doesn't WANT the producer to find out, but he'd be in trouble if he's on a date? This audio and that information have me raising some eyebrows at this producer. Now, granted, he could just mean he shouldn't be getting flirty during work hours or something but still. I'm gonna be alert if we get anything new about Ian

Erica Sutton

Although I feel sorry for Ian for his poor upbringing. It still doesn’t excuse him to cheat on MC and constantly begging them to take him back. Like, why would I want you back after you cheated on me and left me heart broken and alone?


Ian our cringefail king 🫡 i can fix him and itll be fine with no added emotional trauma [i am ignoring the large sign behind me that says "THIS IS A PYSCHOLOGICAL HORROR GAME"]


Also eyes emoji at the sleeping with his producer and taking the role as the modern iteration of poltergeist clown man bestie get out of that studio neow😭


Also maybe spoilers but considering "workplace abuse" (or something akin to this phrasing) is a topic that will be covered in game I don't think it's a stretch to assume coercion or at least a power imbalance imo!


There’s something incredible odd about Ian saying he did this for us. He slept with his producer for our future. He’s constantly bombarding MC with texts, voice mails, and is even know going to MC’s place of residence when MC has stated multiple times they aren’t willing to see him. It’s giving….toxic attachment that can be very manipulative if allowed to grow. He needs so much more than a talk. He’s needs to own up to his mistake and let MC go.


Oh god I’ve seen so many headcanons that Ian didn’t actually cheat on MC, but had sex to a get a role or because he was pressured into it. That’s so much more worse but fits way better with his character. Of course he would blame himself for something like that and call the MC to “apologize.” Poor chap doesn’t even realize he’s not at fault. Oh lord poor Ian….


I hate that I love Ian... I'd make him work for it cause he really did hurt me but I love him so much...I think I'd take him back ♥️😞 I know he's genuinely trying but he triggered both my abondanment issues and trust issuesin one fell swoop lol


Ian being cute in the audio for Mc is so adorable. Hearingvthat he slept with a producer raise the flag that there is a LOT behind that. Poor guy must had been forced on and poor MC doesn't know cause...yeah, they're pissed only knowing the cover of the book. Anyway this audio is wonderful and makes me more excited fir the game!


Yeah…about that Ian I’m kinda already dating someone else soooo… Sorry. not sorry.


Maybe we'll get more details of that in Ian's route


He could get SACRIFICED, like Joseph/Jack probably did?


Yep. We upgraded. We have a sweet, handsome, considerate, devoted man who wouldn't hurt us no matter what....BYE IAN!!


I cried a little bit 🥺


I'm a big softy at heart, so hearing this audio made me love Ian even more as a character. He's clearly grown up in a toxic environment and tried to make a better life with the player but ended making a bad decision (cheating on the player) wether he was pressured to or he thought it was the only way cause they were probably living in hard times. The desperation in his calls and voicemails wanting to show that he cares about the player very much but it's not something that could easily be fixed. I can't wait to see what plot envelopes for this guy ^w^)/


Oh honey... I know this kind of story is way more interesting when nobody goes to therapy, but DAMN

Princess Katheryn

Ian needs to meet more trauma victims so that way, he can make new friends.

Waffle Milk

Everyone needs therapy cause idk who I feel worst for: Ian or Joseph/Jack


This sounds weird but after this I need more Ian


Gosh i love ian so much 😭😭😭