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Hello everyone, it's BáiYù here with a request on behalf of Studio Founder Sauce. I'm just going to cut to the chase here:

Please respect their privacy and the separation of business and personal work.

Sauce released a personal game today outside of SnaccPop Studios, and though any of your time is appreciated, we've seen a comment or too about SnaccPop appear.

SnaccPop Studios is an 18+ adult content production studio. This isn't the first time non-NSFW works they've been apart of have been misconstrued as SP work. Thank you for taking the time to notice and follow the work of one of our creatives, but it isn't hard to look around these days and see growing hostility towards sex, sex positivity, and sex work.

Misattributing anything not labeled as SnaccPop on art style alone is akin to commenting that you know someone from their OnlyFans or any other similar service in a public place. It has the potential to not only get Sauce, or any of our other creators, removed from workplaces that aren't friendly to the kind of content we make.

Being notarized or labeled an NSFW artist, no matter how sex-positive and safe you may be, can negatively impact careers or even blacklist artists.

This is a clear violation of their wishes and autonomy as a private individual.

There is a reason that Sauce has entrusted the majority of SnaccPop Studios' operations to Project Ensō and myself. Part of it is that they are looking to "touch grass" (their own words) and spread their wings.

NSFW content is also something you consent to with a very specific mindset. You read the labels and consult your own boundaries first.

To label Sauce's outside work SnaccPop runs the risk of players assuming they're consenting to the same experience as SnaccPop work. Not only is their new project deeply psychological and devoid of erotic content, but it also is not aligned with SnaccPop Studios' "Sex Safe" branding. It requires players to consent to a completely different experience and can be dangerous to affiliate content made to arouse with content made to unsettle.

SnaccPop Studios cannot recommend people seeking similar content to our games/works follow Sauce's work on style or relation alone.

Sauce's art style is recognizable! But there is a boundary between NSFW work and outside work. And we'd like to let it be known in the event we work with any other amazing artists in the future!

Please remember-- If it's not posted to a SnaccPop account and it doesn't contain SnaccPop branding:

- We did NOT run it through our own hired sensitivity services to ensure that it falls in line with your expected experiences.

- We are NOT affiliated with it, its content, or any of its messages/views/narratives.

- To affiliate it with SP could lead SP fans to believe they're consenting to SP content when they are not.

- To out artists, writers, or VAs for NSFW work or roles in public spaces may put them in danger.

- To link SP or mention works in SFW spaces could draw the attention of minors.

As always, thank you for your support. We apologize for this difficult conversation, but historically now more than ever the NSFW spaces on the internet are places where one has to be careful!

Thank you all for supporting the safer cultivation of these online spaces!


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