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Hello there!

This is “Sauce”, as most of you know me.

In 2021, I began to make characters and art for myself and others. It started with grand plans for an audio drama, which turned into a Patreon, Discord servers, video games, and more. And now it’s evolved into SnaccPop Studios.

SnaccPop Studios, contrary to its naming, was never supposed to be this big, giant development group. It was just a silly group that housed my work. But then that work started taking on a life of its own with people, groups, and communities beyond what I’d initially imagined.

I understand for a long time people have been privately and publicly concerned for my physical and mental health. I took on a LOT for someone with as little life, let alone professional, experience as I have. And many times it has led to great times! But it’s also led to moments of profound fatigue, exhaustion, and anxiety. It’s really difficult to balance the high expectations of those around you when you don’t even fully know how to take care and fend for yourself. And though I’ve done my best, I do admit that representing something that’s come to mean so much to so many people has become unmanageable for me.

I do not sadly make this decision, but rather happily. SnaccPop Studios will be working with Project Ensō on a fully-collaborative managerial level. Meaning I will no longer be acting as the chief representative of it and its interests on a business level. Financially, professionally, and socially, I will be allowing the experienced hands of this fantastic studio to guide SnaccPop into a more certain and better managed future. Creatively, I retain the rights to all of my work, and Project Ensō and I have taken steps to ensure that in proper and professional legal speak. I can draw, write, and create to my heart’s content again! But business decisions and help turning those dreams into tangible reality for others to enjoy will become something Project Ensō will handle.

It is a wonderful thing to be able to share the revenue from this venture with the communities, but it really is a LOT. There’s invoices, managing schedules, managing and comforting the actual humans behind the work, and making sure that you manage yourself. The pressure of having people rely on ME is too great. And the time has come where I’d like to spend my time taking care of myself emotionally, physically, and mentally.

The spotlight just is not a place I am ready to be. Instead, it should be shared by the many wiser, more experienced, and more capable artists, programmers, writers, and managerial staff who are able to responsibly handle the numbers (money, people, and complications) that come with any of the success we’ve had, without bias or unprofessionalism.

And like I said– this isn’t a sad loss or surrendering of my work for me. I’m excited to return to being experimental with my creations! No longer having to pretend I am more capable than I am. I do not know as much as I think I do, and I definitely know less than a fourth of what you think too. And I am glad to be at ease again.

I think, personally, I will take a lot more time to enjoy life and art again. I don’t think business and publicity is my strong suit. I think going forwards, I plan to be creative, stay in my lane, and prioritize PERSONAL growth. Not internet.

That being said, let me clarify– The lore to all my current work already exists. It’s there, and written. My prior creative visions won’t be changed unless suggested by our sensitivity editors, which is fine with me. And idea wise, this will open up my schedule so that I can focus on making fun things with artistic merit. Less of my schedule will be dedicated to “commanding Discord mods”, making “executive” decisions, and doing tedious paperwork.

It’s a win-win– Project Ensō can make SnaccPop Studios into an official business and begin supplying authentic and important jobs to creators of all types, while also expanding the diversity and creative possibilities of the works we produce with additional and growing consultation, while I can begin to live my life again.

This isn’t goodbye in any way. But I’m leaving this baby in the strong, capable hands of people who have come to love it perhaps even more than I do.

Really excited to take some time for myself, and then return as an artist first and foremost. Not a manager, director, audio/visual director, casting agent, writer, editor, graphic designer, AND artist, haha!

Please take care, and thank you!

  • “Sauce”


Macanon Snow

I understand, please do take care more of yourself Sause we'll still support you 🤗


I'm so happy you can focus on the things you like again! I also don't see this as a bad thing. Sometimes you just need extra help! I'd do the same with my own projects, if I were as big as SnaccPop studio. Looking forward to the next updates! Take care of yourself.


We understand sauce I'm happy that your doing what makes you happy looking forward to more updates


Thank you so much for this kind message. It is so touching and sweet! I do plan to be CREATIVELY involved with as much as I can be! But I am turning over professional aspects to people who can handle them with the responsibility and diligence that is deserved. Part of this choice was looking at home much people who relied on SP income for their livelihoods, or work for their careers, or patrons and Kickstarter pledgers who put in so much trust and funding, deserved to feel represented and taken care of. I’m not a tax expert. I’m not a business owner. I’m not professionally experienced, and it’s come to a point to prioritize what’s deserved. Not to stand in the way of making things better for the sake of just being in charge. I’m going to be making art now. Art, comics, and content. And the content will be richer, and filled with more care and love than ever before! And Project Enso will take into consideration the good they can provide to our communities. It will be very fun and exciting indeed. - Sauce


So happy your able to breath again and still give this new community to thrive with killing yourself. I can’t wait to see where Snaccpop studios go and where you go also!


HI ALL, SO SORRY FOR THE TROUBLE BUT ACCIDENTALLY DELETED MY COMMENT SO FIGURED I WOULD REPOST IT HERE: Hi Sauce, I think you have managed this transition incredibly responsibly. A lot of people would not be so mature or forward thinking as to ask for help managing what has become a huge project when they are overwhelmed by the demands of it. I've been a fan of your work for about a year now, and its been refreshing to see you prioritize your wellbeing and take a step back from the social, business, and fandom aspect of online creation. Many indie creators who blow up like this get caught up in feeding the fandom, and the project ends up neglected and half baked, and then sometimes collapses with the creator's mental health under the weight of the expectations. From being on the Patreon a bit, it seems you've delegated to a very capable group/person with Project Ensō, and I'm excited to see where SnaccPop Studios goes! I did want to ask what your new role at SnaccPop entails. It sounds like you may still be creating new IP for the studio and doing some art/writing. Are you continuing to do/influence the art of current projects like SWWSDJ, GoGM, and Aphrodesia? Or will you also be stepping away from those projects to focus on new things? And would this go for the writing as well? You said that the lore for current projects is already written, does that mean the scripts for these projects are mostly/all written? (except GoGM I know the completed script was already announced) Whatever the case may be, I'm glad you are prioritizing personal health and growth. As others have noted, I would probably do the same if I had a project grow as large as SnaccPop Studios. I wish you the best as you return to making art the way you want to make it. Happy to be along for the ride! P.S. SORRY THIS IS SO LONG!! IF ANYBODY TOOK THE TIME TO READ ALL OF IT, THANK YOU SO MUCH!


thank you for taking the time to read and reply to my message! (I accidentally deleted it but I reposted below). Between this message and reading your Q&A on Twitter, I am beyond excited to see what you all make here at SnaccPop Studios. It's great to see the studio is taking the work of balancing financial responsibility and artistic goals seriously. With the work of you, all the other artists, writers, programmers and performers bringing the projects to life, and the direction from Project Ensō, I have to agree - it seems like it will be very fun and exciting indeed.


Don't want to clog up the comments, and not sure if Patreon ate my reply to @SnaccPopStudios, so just gonna say shortly here: Sauce, thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond to my comment, and I'm so excited to see where everybody at the studio goes from here.


Thanks for everything 💚

Livy Rocks

Completely understandable! We are proud of you no matter what! I am happy you are prioritizing your health first! We will all still be here regardless! ^_^


Breathe deep. ☺️