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This is your monthly reminder to jump on the train to join this month's YCH tier and receive a special edition art piece featuring your favorite SnaccPop Studios character with a fun winter variant/twist!

And even if you aren't a part of that tier, make sure you send in your art references now, so we can get your work to you on time! If you're missing art, please see us there too so we can get you all caught up! 

The following instructions are being sent out now!


If you’re receiving this, you are entitled to $35/$75 tier benefits!
This entitles you to:
$35 - One flat color character bust (Head upwards)
$75 - Either one flat-color full body, or one half-body full color piece.
$125 - One full-color YCH according to the month’s theme.
You’ll need to send us a reference for your character/subject of choice, though!
Make sure you've DMed us with discord, twitter, google drive (etc..) links as to what you want your art piece to be this month! We will use these to create your art.
And if you don't plan on participating/only want to donate, please let us know too! Patrons who don't message at all leave us worried that we've missed them! (75% of our Patrons never collect, as of recent! We appreciate the support, either way, but we want to do our best to make sure you get what you are owed.)
Work on all pieces begins by  the 25th of each month, so you should make sure your submissions are received by then. All submissions received after the 25th may see some delays as one artist is working on all of them and all Patreon art pieces are completed in the order received!
If you've messaged @SnaccPop on Twitter, Discord, ETC. DM us here instead and the username+website you used! This way, we don’t lose you in the many messages we receive every day.
REF EXAMPLE: “Hello! I am [TIER TITLE/$??]. I would like my character, [INSERT SPECIFIC DETAILS, IF APPLICABLE]. Here is the reference: [LINK]
NON-ORDER EXAMPLE: “Hello! I do not wish to collect my art piece this month. Thank you!”
ALT. MESSAGING PLATFORM EXAMPLE: “Hello! I’m —. I messaged you on [Twitter/Discord] under the username @[XYZ] with my character reference on [dd/mm/yyyy].”
You’ll also need to submit your desired SnaccPop character to be featured within the art.
REF EXAMPLE: “Hello! I am [TIER TITLE/$??]. I would like to collect a YCH piece, featuring [SNACCPOP CHARACTER]. I would like my character, [INSERT SPECIFIC DETAILS, IF APPLICABLE]. Here is the reference: [LINK].
You may also request a simple fullbody character piece instead, if you would prefer that! Please continue to specify your tier, and understanding that you would like to “downgrade” your monthly art.
Q: Can I ask for NSFW art/specific poses/or characters from the Patreon series?
A: Yes, you can! Any character we own is allowed, and specific poses, costumes, etc.. are permitted. NSFW pieces are also permitted.
Q: You missed my last month, despite me sending messages. What can I do?
A: Feel free to let us know and we will compensate you with full-colored pieces for this current month and last! We apologize for any inconvenience caused to you and appreciate chances to rectify these situations for all your help.
Q: Can you design my character for me? I have no OC designed.
A: We can design your character for you, although we cannot guarantee full satisfaction the first time around and we cannot send drafts back and fourth for approval.




Emo Pinoccio

Finally submitted mine :D I'm so excited to see it AHHHHH