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We've been busy. That much is for sure.

Between a Kickstarter, many personal life changes for myself (Sauce), and the holidays, I've been very concerned for maintaining a fresh content ratio.

And so, we've decided to attempt a test run with Project Ensō. A portion of our funds will be left in their care to hire, manage, and oversee The Groom of Gallagher Manor for the month of January. As development goes forward, we'll hopefully see more productive efforts from them while I focus more on  SDJ! They will simply be taking the outline and creative pieces I have already created, and aligning them to a production schedule.

If all goes well, a 40%+ portion of the Patreon budget may be handed to them to develop further /smaller/ (Approx. 1-1.5 hour) visual novel and game projects to be made exclusive to Patreon first with developmental content remaining exclusive as well. Then, as a new game begins to roll out, we will release the older one onto Steam with updates for around $1.99-3.99. The remainder of the non AphroDesia and SDJ tier exclusive budgets will be also used for these projects.

It's our way of saying thank you for your continued support while also allowing me to not have to undertake any more strenuous work. Basically, we're adding more options to the menu and another cook in the kitchen! 

We have all sorts of fun ideas lined up-- Have you ever wanted to date a video game bad guy? (Meanwhile, In Another Castle...) Perhaps you'd like to see a full DachaBo game featuring a pink haired kitty friend? Fancy swooning into the arms of a cartoon character in a 1940s Hollywood style setting? (Anvil Crossing) Perhaps even a return to the mobster dating sim concept of AphroDesia?

These are by no means promises at this point. It's all up in the air and subject to change with emergencies, updates, or suggestions. But we're planning ahead for (hopefully) a year chock full of fun things for you all. I'm going to be undergoing my first tax season soon, and the process will definitely cement how all this is going to work in the future.

Ideally, we can manifest some proper growth and establish a formal team/crew, complete with hopefully finding a home with established game developers who can help us carve out a "professional" niche and methods.

A lot of people seem to think of us as more professional than we are, and we are happy to do our best! But this is all very new and still a bit scary to us. Going forwards, finding an experienced production consultant will become our highest priority, as well as expanding production into consistent, small chunks as the large and imposing SDJ looms in the background!

Either way, thank you for your time! We look forwards to seeing what you all think of these up-and-coming changes. Although we can assure you, we are intending to remain in the 18+ majority masculine fanservice category!

Merry Christmas!

- Sauce



Hattie✧ (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-11 15:59:23 Happy Holidays to everyone! <3 Thank you for the update! This is exciting news.
2022-12-24 03:10:55 Happy Holidays to everyone! <3 Thank you for the update! This is exciting news.

Happy Holidays to everyone! <3 Thank you for the update! This is exciting news.