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Welcome, Bai Yu!

Recently, Bai Yu of Project Enso has been helping to run the Kickstarter for Sunny Day Jack. They’ve been instrumental in getting things done, especially since they come with so much professional experience!

Contrary to popular belief, I have never done anything like this before. /sarcasm

So it’s refreshing to have optimized opinions from them! When I needed to take a sick break, they stepped in. When I didn’t know what to do to make the Kickstarter happen, they showed me. And they’ve kindly offered to help organize and assist with managing the Patreon!

I understand that I (Sauce, just me) have been sometimes absent. Some messages get missed and discord links strangely still expire. And I thank you for your patience! But it’s a good time now to examine if how this Patreon is being run is ACTUALLY beneficial for patrons. Is the tagging too confusing for posts? How can we improve tier rewards? How can we improve the patron experience?

While I’m working hard at my new part time job, college, and on Sunny Day Jack’s creative side, for now at least Bai Yu will be here pending a helping hand!

Let’s give them a warm welcome, and use this post as an opportunity to tell us about how YOU find the Patreon. How can we improve the experience? Let us know!



Welcome Bai Yu ☺️☺️☺️ Honestly my experience has been pretty great.


Welcome Bai Yu! I personally think a view sdj sketches would be nice but its not necessary. Not from the demo or game but similair to fanart sketches or lil comics that wont require much effort