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Hey everyone! This is your 24 hour notice.

We will be removing the AphroDesia original series pilot soon. This is because we believe the x-rated nature of the episode, reliance on ret-conned lore, and overall misleading existence of the pilot clashes with our aspirations for the series going forward.

Contrary to the Patreon’s existence, this episode was paid for, edited, and assembled by Lauren Harris with private funds. These funds were taken from private savings, as a last-ditch effort to make something out of a very sad time in their life. Originally, these funds were even meant for a prototype of DachaBo!

And now, with Episode Three of AphroDesia masterfully capturing the pilot’s original intentions, we believe it is time to say goodbye to this Pilot once and for all. 

Thank you for all who were present at the series opening, and participated in the release for this episode. We weren’t necessarily proud of the result either, but it was a labor of love we couldn’t be here still without.


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