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Firstly, can I say just. THANK YOU??? AD is run by a bunch of newbies, so forgive us if we aren't even quite sure HOW TO HANDLE THIS.

Brief note. If you feel like you are not receiving adequate compensation for your Patreon pledge, please let us know immediately! We work very hard behind the scenes and sometimes even all day, seven days a week. We can get a bit scatterbrained, but we want nothing more than to make you feel safe and assured during your time here!

We've got a lot of content on its way, and today I'd just like to let you all know what you're in for.

- Episode One is a whopping 20+ minutes long, with 90% of its audio recorded. Jambee and TMon are both fully recorded, and we're working on not only that but the SECOND EPISODE trailer to go with it. We've had a few delays, yes. But that's why we're going to be including some supplemental content in the meantime...

- THIS SATURDAY a Jambee mini-sode will be debuting for our $5+ tier patrons and further. We're aiming to perhaps get weekly mini-sodes in, leading up to the big day of release. If you'd like to know more about mini-sodes, I recommend giving our free mini-sode "The View From The Stoop" a listen! This week's theme, however, is a one-on-one with the Bossman himself. You'll wanna be there.

- Finally, our final "Main Cast" character joins the fray, with Kyndra the resident botanist seeing some official concept art. Thanks to our wonderful writer/editor Dom (https://twitter.com/DominaRava) for helping us create the stellar cast of characters you'll all be getting to experience AphroDesia with. Dom was actually heavily involved with the writing of episode one, and we're excited to shout them out for their top-tier work!

And that's about it for now! You can look forward to more updates in the coming days, and maybe some more content hopefully! BE THERE THIS SATURDAY!

LOL (Lots of Love)

- JambeeBot, AphroDesia Producer/Project Manager




Super excited for this project! I’m fairly new to it and I’m hooked already ☺️