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  • hump panels_loop.mp4
  • hump panels_miss.mp4
  • boob grab.mp4
  • pulldown react.mp4
  • thigh fuck closeup.mp4
  • thigh fuck closeup-twitch.mp4



2 more shots  left to color and then it's time to put this all together! I am personally really excited about this after watching my little chart slowly fill up all month oh my god!!! I've been animating so many goddamn stripes!!! @o@

Also exciting is the prospect of getting to finally do some writing for this, usually I approach these animations with a general idea of what the conversation is going to go like and then come up with the dialogue after the animation is done-but for this one I've kinda been writing it in my head while I make these. I've grown attached to these cat boys and it makes me happy to be less intimidated by the writing process because I'm getting so fond of them haha.

But yeah I think I'm going to wait until I'm done with the animation to make another Thigh Guys post since we're so close to the finish line and there's so little left to color (want to leave some surprises for the finished animation and spam you a little less with all the bits and pieces). Like I said last time, I am aiming to finish the animation this month, but the pessimistic side of me is allowing for the possibility of December which. Well that's not too far off either actually! 

Can't thank you all enough for all the support while I work on this one. In spite of how much I'm putting my all in this, I've been very aware of the infrequency of my posts while I work. This is something I'm hoping to try and remedy once I'm done with this huge project-but in the meantime the fact that you've stuck with me means the world.

Love ya and I can't wait to show you this animation! 



Atari Doge

Sooooo good!!! An indirect and lovely birthday present this morning to seeeee hehe!!