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  • thigh fuck closeup.mp4
  • boob grab.mp4



I feel like I have a ton of scattered thoughts about how drawing these went down, but not a lot to write at the same time, so here's a bulleted list of some thoughts:

  • The boob grab was a lot more technical than I anticipated! And I'm still thinking of ways I want to adjust it-should I make the nipple's silhouette more subtle? More detailed? I generally keep the nips on my characters pretty abstract so this is a little out of my comfort zone but I still wanna try it. 
  • I did an embarrassing amount of looking at my own boobs to try and form a concrete idea of how to make the motion smoother while also understanding how the hand's motion would work. Not as sexy as it sounds because I was so focused on trying to figure out the animation lol 
  • While referencing the character's designs from the Snapcat animation I realized that Simon is supposed to be uncut! And it's an easy fix that, as you can see from the above shot, I've already started implementing. But it was a pretty fun bullet point to add to today's to-do list.

Alright time to get back to work, I hope your fall season is off to a good start!



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