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Oh my god that's the closest poll we've ever done!!! It came down to a 1% difference (at the time of writing this post). Thank you for your votes and I'm sorry if your fave didn't make it, but the fact that this CarlxChase prompt lost its original poll before making this comeback means that the same could happen to these choices in a later poll as well owo

As you can see from the attached frame, inking work has already begun, and mannnn I have some fun ideas for this one. I'm not confident they'll all work but this seems like an animation that'll be really fun in the details-for example I kinda want to try and make a background that resembles the filtered ones commonly used by visual novels or try and see if I can fit any of the original game's UI elements (though this would be potentially tricky because it might cover up The Action). Anyway lots of ideas and I'm excited to have gotten started! Thanks for your support and I'll get back to work now!



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