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Finally finished the inks for this one! I got caught up on a couple of details that definitely made this take more time than it should've, but now that those are dealt with hopefully the colors should be pretty easy to design and slap on there.

Grapefruit animation update: We officially have voice actors, a sound designer, and a musician locked down! I'm waiting on some files and then those will be sent off and I can put together a cool credits sequence and then production can finally wrap up on this animated short!!!!

Up Next:

  • Gonna color this! Maybe add some lil steam clouds or a speech bubble or two, whatever is fun :3
  • Another sketch poll! I've got some ideas that have me excited for this one
  • Grapefruit animation release?!?!? I'm aiming for an early July release!
  • Work begins on the sketch poll winner! 

