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  • PitCrew3.mp4
  • PitCrew3nocam.mp4



After all their musky fun, the guys decide to wrap things up with a big ole' money shot 💦

Man it feels good to get this done!!! It's been fun to work on but I've had a lot of ideas for other animations I kept coming up with while working on it. I think I've alluded it to before, but I've thought a lot about revamping all these pit crew animations into one big finished animation somewhere down the line with sound effects and voice acting! Maybe after I finish Citrus Shenanigans-going forward I'm going to try and tackle 1 big project at a time with a lot of smaller animations in between so there's less dead air for you all while I work on stuff.

There are two versions attached below, one with a camera shake effect on certain shots and one without. It's an effect I've been curious about trying out after seeing how some other animators use it, but I thought I'd make the two versions since I'm not super confident with it yet heh.

Up Next:

  • We're going to hold another vote on some sketches! Now that PC3 is done I'm excited to jump back into working on doing a lot more of these.
  • While you vote, I'm gonna finish the final 2 shots of Citrus Shenanigans! They're really simple SFW shots I don't see taking me too long, if anything goes wrong I'll just do one of them and get back to making some p*rn for ya asap.
  • Working on the animation that wins the vote! I can't see into the future, but whatever this ends up being I'm going to make it.

I've said it a million times (and I think I've prefaced it a million times with "a million times") but thanks for your patience on this one! I hope you like it and have a good weekend!



Cubic Foxxx

WOOF thank you for spoiling us💙 love your stuff!

POBARO (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-25 19:59:11 there it is <3 this is wonderful!!
2022-05-01 03:24:31 there it is <3 this is wonderful!!

there it is <3 this is wonderful!!


These have been great! You think there'll ever be sounds edits of this and part 2 in the future?


Thank you! And yep thats the plan, I realized that doing the sound myself was taking too long and producing meh results so I'm planning to get a legit sound designer to work on all 3 once I'm sure I have the budget for it


Thank you so much for the supportive comments! Happy to make stuff for you to love &lt;3


Thank you Pobaro!! Turns out I was too impatient and kept posting it before the attachments were done uploading lol