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  • armpitanimation2-75.mp4



Well the majority of them, I wanted to post this with the close up sniffing shot and some kind of c*m alt, but it feels like it's been too long since I've gotten you all some kind of update and I really wanted to show you how it was going.

I'm still experimenting with it, but the alt will either be an extended version of this, or I might do a couple of more intimate closeups on these guys finishing: 

Up Next I'm gonna focus on finishing up the inks for this extra special pit focused animation since so many of you have expressed excitement about it! Then I might color a quick shot or two of Citrus Shenanigans before returning to color these and give them some much needed steamy effects.

Soon I think I'm also going to be introducing something kinda interesting: Polls based on a mix of patron suggestions and some little art ideas I have! I'm picturing it as three or so sketches with short descriptions of what kind of project they'd be, and then I'll let you vote on what thing I should make in between CS stuff. Still ironing out how this will all work but I'm pumped about it!

Happy Thursday, you're almost done with the week!!!
