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  • halloween2021fin.mp4



It's always a bit of a bummer when the Halloween party comes to an end and the guests head home, but Liam and his werewolf friend have started a bit of an after-party tradition that's given them something to look forward to every year.

(Download mp4 version below? I think? It's on this post somewhere)

I can't believe I got this done this week 🎃 I've been meaning to get a Halloween themed pic done for like 3 years now so I'm a little giddy about this (I've also been meaning to resurrect this werewolf boy for a long time as well so this is a double whammy for me)! This one also counts a bit as a patron suggested doodle because some kind person suggested they wanted to see more of my lion character Liam and I am happy to oblige.

There were actually two color tests made for this one, one using glowing orange Halloween lights and one with blacklights that would play more into the "fun spooky sex party" theme. Sadly I couldn't get confident with an of the ones chosen for the blacklight version, but considering this is my second attempt at a blacklight themed animation with Liam (the first was this one) so I'm sure I'll come back to it for try number 3.

Blacklight version:

Final version:

🎃Happy Halloween a week or so from now!!!🎃



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