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Citrus Shenanigans Stuff:

I'm not exactly entering the coloring stage yet but I wanted to see how everything would look with the colors I chose and I think I'm pretty happy with them!

On the other side of production I'm currently inking away on shot 2-10 and decided I'd post the sketches for it and the shot that follows to keep you updated on things. After these two it might be time to start animating the moneyshot which I'm really excited about!! I can't believe we're almost done inking the majority of this animation already. 

General Patreon Stuff:

At some point in the future I'm planning on adding some kind of suggestion box pinned at the top of my page, but I'm currently trying to think of a convenient way to do it? I want to keep rolling out some more patron suggested doodles in between certain shots and I think something like that  might be best. I'm thinking of creating just a bank of characters/situations/positions suggested by patrons to draw from whenever I need some inspiration. Look forward to it~




Holy smokes this just gets better and better!!