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Happy Bunny Day! Thought I'd celebrate by sharing some sketches I did featuring the rabbit from Pit Crew! I think of the main 3 I'm actually pretty happy with his initial design and don't really want to change a lot other than refining certain rules for myself to make the design more consistent.

I was originally going to try and post an Adult Swim update today but right now it's looking like I wont finish enough work by midnight (boo!) -but things are certainly coming along and I'm very happy with how it's turning out! I started by inking the most complex shot in the animation to get the hard part over with, so hopefully inking progress will speed up once it's done uwu



Joel Sterne

The "you're gonna smell like us for days" was... Hoo... Love this exploration! Always love to see characters have their personalities fleshed out, it helps add a stronger emotional connection to the character in anything they show up in. I relate hardcore with Emil so seeing your thoughts behind him, and just seeing more of him in general, is always a treat