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Hey everyone! I wanted to give an update on some important personal life events, and it should help explain why the final drawing for November is still pending, but close to being finished. 

Long story short, the last 2 weeks my lovely wife and best friend, Lisa, has had to undergo a series of sudden doctor visits that culminated in surgery. I've taken time off to be with her while we navigate the medical scene, doing my best to be with her for anything she needs. 

Lisa is recovering now after the surgery, and doing well. We were both a bit nervous about everything, so it was hard to maintain our usual work/life habits. We are still waiting for the final results of the procedure, but have been given optimistic words from the medical team.

As for my Patreon work, the 4th and final drawing for November is in progress, but I wanted to let you all know it won't be finished until another 2-3 days. That said, it'll be done by the 5th of December, when I usually send out the rewards, so in essence, you'll still get the full pack on the usual time.

I just want to say to you all that Lisa and I both deeply appreciate the life that your support has given us. I wouldn't have had this kind of freedom in my schedule to be with her and support her through this time, if it wasn't for you all joining me in making this career path work. we are deeply grateful, and I want to do my best to show it in the work I give back to this little community. Thank you!

Ok, it's back to work for me! I look forward to sharing more fun art with you all, soon!

See you next post!



Happy to hear of the positive outcome so far of your wife's surgery. Hope that all future updates for her will be even better. Take whatever time you need to tend to her and yourself. There is enough stress in what IRL has handed you. Your fans understand and will wait. Take care, to all your family.


While it is disappointing to have your schedule slip away from time to time, life has a habit of getting in the way. Your situation needs time and brain power and necessitates us lot waiting for more of your art. Most of us are people too, we understand. Hope things are getting better 🙂


Yeah, I dislike falling behind, but as you said, life doesn't check in for stuff like that haha I just posted an update, and long story short is that my wife Lisa is doing fine. The doctors gave her a clean bill of health. :)