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Well, I've been completely absent online for the last month, so I figure it's important to share the reason for it. 

As I mentioned earlier this year, my grandfather passed away in August of liver cancer. Recognizing his absence has made this holiday season difficult, but my family has really come together to support each other in this time. Sadly, we just found out my aunt was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer, the same as my grandfather. She's such a strong and kind person, and is taking it very well. On top of that, I just learned yesterday that an old friend has passed away, suddenly.

All this has taken a serious toll on my emotional state. I've taken time away from work this month to sort my thoughts and spend time with loved ones, which has helped keep my grounded, emotionally. But, I want to get back to work. I think I need it, at least to some degree. Working gives me something productive to focus on, which helps. I can only sit with grief for so long, before I need to find a way to push past it. I promise I won't overwork myself, as I know some of you worry about that. I am surrounded by loved ones and I'm not one to let my feelings fester, alone. 

Part of me didn't want to say anything about all this, because I am afraid of sharing too much negativity on what's supposed to be a fun and lighthearted pinup Patreon account. However, I think that's not a healthy outlook, so I decided to make this post, and just be clear about where I'm at. So, this is where I'm at.

I hope that all of you are doing alright this year, as I know the holidays can be hard for a lot of people. Let's focus on the future and what we can do to make it the best of our time, while we have it.



Tim Bend

Had a go of that rock my own family earlier. I fully understand all you are experiencing, and I empathize fully. Not that there is anything to forgive, but I still absolve you of any guilt you might feel for absences and lateness. Priorities , and your own physical, emotional, and mental health comes first, and sometimes you need a break, and sometimes you need to dive back in it full bore. Regardless of what you find yourself in need of, you do. Even if that means staring at a blank canvas, stylus in hand, and not make a mark for hours on end, or pushing all of your boundaries at once. You do what you need, and I, and I'm sure plenty of others will have your back. If there's anything I can do, just say so. Tim. p.s. Can never go wrong with gamer Sassy. I'd be her Player 2 any day.


Tim, thank you. It's a strange time, with a lot of drifting, mentally. I appreciate the compassion and understanding, more than I can say.


Take all the time you need to feel better. I'm sorry for the distress you're going through!