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Finally, October's last artwork is done! I suppose that means I have to commit to a name, like I promised. 

So, I introduce to you, Ellie! 

Ellie the... elven archer... Hmmmm... 

Oh man, that's kind of corny...  It's hard to commit to a name when I have been calling her "elven archer" for about 2 years! But that's not gonna fly, so perhaps "Ellie the hunter/ranger", or "Ellie the wilderness guide" are better suited titles for her. 

Anyways, there she is! Let me know what you think of this drawing! I'll get the files together and send them out to all of you October Patrons who have been patiently waiting! Thanks so much for being cool while I worked these out! I learned a lot with these, and they wouldn't be possible without you! And this is just the beginning. 




Donovan "Ravenhull"

Very lovely, I like the work you did with the shadows. Was a fun set to see develop this month.


Thanks, Donovan! It was really good for me to get the chance to work on them!

Matthew D. Riddle

Still loving the new way you've layered her hair. Ellie is certainly an appropriate and fitting name.


Glad you like it, Matthew. Her hair was kind of a big change, but I think it's an improvement. Glad you agree!

Pete Newman

October is by far my favorite month since I've been a patron. Excellent work, and well worth the wait. All of the effort you put in is clearly visible, and like I said before, I am completely in love with this fantasy world you've created.


Thank you, Pete! That's very reassuring for me to hear. I think it's my favorite month, too. I'd like to do more scenic shots like these in the future, once I get caught up on all my other responsibilities. It'd be nice to try some scary or action type shots, too!

TY 2022

She's cute. I love her freckles!


Totally worth the wait!