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"Want to play my SNES, or do something else?"

Phew, good thing I started this one early! I had a hard time coming up with a background. At first I was going with the theme of her fake falling down to flirt in a public space, like at a mall, then I considered maybe a picnic... I settled on a bedroom with some retro games, as I figure Sassy's into that stuff.

I did 18 outfit variants on this one, and tried to get some of your requests in as well. I broke up the uploads into multiple posts. Enjoy!

High Resolution Versions: The current month's patrons will be charged on the 1st of the following month, and receive the high resolution files around the 5th, after those charges process. So if you want these rewards, remain pledged until the 1st of the next month, so the system can charge you.

Thanks for the support!  




Man, usually I'm not into feet? But those are some cute fucking feet sir.

Jamie Bennett

New to your Patreon and this is what drew me in... Hooked... Love your artwork 😍


Thanks so much Jamie! I appreciate the support, and I hope you enjoy the stuff I post here!