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Finally got the internet going in the new place, and all our stuff moved in!

Moving Drama...

However, the property management really dropped the ball, and left much of the hidden bits totally uncleaned and unsanitary. We should have looked more thoroughly at the showing... Kitchen cabinets, bathroom drawers, shelves and closets, etc. Just a total wreck, I'd be embarrassed to show a place in the condition we recieved it in, frankly. The agent was right here at our showing, probably praying we didn't look too close (we were a little anxious, so we missed a lot).

Anyways, at this point, rather than complain and have them clean it while we wait a week (with all our stuff packed away) to move into a place that we're already paying for, the wife and I decided to just clean it ourselves. We've been grinding away at that, so we can finally start unpacking. We took pics of any dirt and damage and sent it to them, so we won't end up being held responsible.

August Rewards

Anyways because of this, sending the art is delayed by a day or two, which really sucks. As soon as I can actually sit in the new place, I'll get those high res images finalized and sent out! Thanks a ton for the patience while we get settled!

Looking back at all the delays over the last few days, I really should have waited to pack up my old place until I was ready to send August's rewards out, so these delays wouldn't effect you all. After 9 months of looking, I was very nervous something would stop us from getting in! I'm very sorry for the delay!

With all this moving, I think my body is ready for the grave lol


AGL games

Congrats on the new place dude! I'm sure once its all cleaned you'll live happily ever after (=


It's all good bro, life happens, and man does moving ever not suck? I don't think I've ever had a move that went "smoothly" haha