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Heya! Just wanted to share some WIP for possible future stuff!

I've already done 2 pinups for June, so these will not likely end up included in this month's set. However, they are in the works so I thought I'd share!

I did a bunch of sketches when trying to find a good first ero piece, and here's a few from that sketch set. The dildo design changed a bit after I sketched these, which is why they look a bit different in the left two.

And, why is the dildo goopin' in the 3rd pic, you may ask?

Magic lol! Seriously, I was going to include a "lube tube" attachment like some of those fancy dildos have, but decided it was too much clutter. Sooooo... magic self lubing dildo lol!

Anyways, I hope you dig the behind the scenes action! I do plan on finishing these, but again, these aren't planned to be included with June's set, since I already did the 1-2 pinups that I promise, and I probably won't have time for more. I just felt like sharing!




Yap, this is most definitely hot


I used Sassy as a reference for my shadowrun character's half-sister. if he were to find these pictures, he'd be very upset lol