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I am a bit delayed in posts this last week, because of some bad tooth pain. More specifically, a pushy wisdom tooth. Despite the fact that there is simply no room for it, it just keeps trying to push itself through. It's been giving me trouble on and off for the last 10 years, but never so bad as recently. It looks like it's time to go see a dentist about it, but until I can arrange that, I am trying to get it under control with pain pills and OCD level mouth cleansing rituals. 

I should have February's week 2 and 3 up and posted soon, I just wanted to share the reason for the delay. It's hard to focus on creating good art when it feels like your face is going to explode!

Anyways, just a quick word from me, and I am off to stare at my pliers, and weight out the pros and cons of a "do-it-yourself" remedy... heheh... heh...



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