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Hoo boy... this background took some effort!

Still not sure if I am finished with the background, but I will be coloring the farmer girl tomorrow, then I'll reassess how I feel about the environment. Might try to make it a bit more sunny, might make it darker... we'll see!

Do you see how I draw the entire background behind the character? I do that too often. DX

Anyways, just wanted to share some progress! And just a heads up, I'll not be re-using the same background in this set, for each drawing. Each one's gonna have a new background! Though I think this one's gonna be the most detailed, since it's kind of an establishing shot. ;D

Ok, see ya next post!



Tim Bend

helluva good background. Love the water surface. Wouldn't mind going for a dip there myself on a hot summer day.


It looks spectacular!