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I have no idea why this took so long. It could be partly because I decided in my ignorance to try and use this as a chance to study how colored light (aka fire light) effects colors. See that tunic? Looks green, right? It's actually in the orange color range. It took me several tries... Painting, and repainting, again and again. Finally, I found a photo of Norse men sitting around a fire in a long house (viking style houses), and I was able to get the colors right.

I'll admit I ramped the saturation up a bit, to make it look a bit more warm. Hope it isn't too warm looking!

I learned a lot from this, and it's something I intend to use a lot in future works. In the inevitable future, I will be working on comics, which will be based in medieval time periods, and thus, firelight is an important thing to be able to render.

Ok, well, I think I will start a bit early on this friday's piece, to refrain from being late again.

Thanks everyone, for your patient and support! I wouldn't have time for studies like this, if it wasn't for all your help!




Shes gorgeous, love the colors. Nice to see a fellow norse lady :)


Well man, i have to say is she was worth the wait! The firelight effects and complex shadows look beautiful! Not too warm at all either. I hate to bring this up but if that's her panties peeking out from under her skirt, they look worryingly like a package


Cool, glad you like it! Haha! No, not supposed to be a package. Girls have a bit of a curve there, too, as illustrated in this image: <a href="http://www.boutique1.com/media/catalog/product/m/_/m_odabash_243748_fanblu_fm.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.boutique1.com/media/catalog/product/m/_/m_odabash_243748_fanblu_fm.jpg</a> However, I might edit that out... Just to eliminate confusion. XD


Oh haha, i know girls have a curve down there ;) I just meant that it seemed a little low, even for such a short skirt


This is fantastic! From the lighting to the character to the great background.. beautiful work. Yeah the lighting effects are neat! Always need to be learning.


Oh, I edited it out. I had a slight bit of shadowed pubic region showing, not enough to warrant NSFW because it was shadowed, but I suppose it could be confused as being a bit too pronounced, lol. I decided it was best to not try for sexy too hard, and just get rid of it. XD


No no, not a villian! Critique is important, and I appreciate it very much. Once you mentioned that it was too low, it made sense, and I got rid of it. Thanks! I also noticed that the eye reflection didn't match the scene, so I edited it too. Don't feel bad, I do appreciate the honesty! It's the only way to grow. :)


Oh ok! I was just wondering what was wrong with my eyes since I couldn't see it. Super sexy secret Ronin version, now more rare than ever!


lol there's probably a lot of super secret versions, because I edit the crap out of my work after I post it! XD


Yeah, I was going to make a post about the eyes, they look absolutely killer now! My only other major notice (apart from that bared shoulder which I find wayyy more sexy than I should...) is that the hand holding the cup looks odd to me... so I took a ref photo. Her pointer finger has an odd angle to it. <a href="http://i.imgur.com/jIWwJ0D.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/jIWwJ0D.jpg</a>


Oh damn, great reference for the hand! Don't mind me if I make a few edits, hehehe...


;D I know you weren't asking for feedback, but you always seem so receptive to it. Mad props, Ronin.


Hehe, I finished the edit. Nice catch! Sometimes, especially when I am learning something new, I tend to miss other things I might have caught, otherwise. Thanks for pointing it out, I appreciate it! Now it looks better. That was a perfect ref you provided, lol!


Awesome! Yeah, I know the feeling all too well with the stuff I am working on. Yes, that was my super-sexy-and-dainty-but-so-manly hand holding a drink cup from Sonic. Only the very best for ya, man. The very best.

Matthew D. Riddle

By Odin's Beard this lass is adorable! I love the light/shadow effects, the tats and Thor's hammer necklace are nifty, and that confident, celebratory "WE FEAST" expression is just awesome. Is that supposed to be a direct flame reflection in her eyes?


Hehe, thanks! And yeah, the only light in the room that could reflect into her eyes is coming from the central hearth, as is common with most medieval Nordic lodgings. XD I learned that on the documentary I was watching. Also, they used to use silver bracelets for money, and just hack off a part of it for payment, hence her silver bracelet. Though it looks like gold in the fire light...


Heyo Dude, it's hitarirucavi from DA. Finally got situated enough to where I could pitch in and I must say it has been worth every penny. Then to top it all off you came out with this absolute work of art. You did so well with the lighting it's almost unbelievable. I'm so glad I can take part in all this. : D Keep up the great work, Dude.


Hey, I'm glad to have you on board! Patreon has really helped me grow as an artist, by giving me the time to work on my own ideas, so it means a lot that you enjoy what I post here. There will be more where that came from, you can count on that!


Absolutely stunning. I love the lighting, the expression and the pigtails :)


Absolutely NOT oversaturated for the effect you were shooting for. Well done. The floating ash and embers add a lot to the piece, as does the shadowing inbetween fabric and skin. The time you put into all the litle details really shows. I guess my only criticism, as minor and nit-picky as it might be, is that you put so much love and effort into texturing and weathering the background (wood, jug, etc.) that the tunic she's wearing almost seems like a modern synthetic fabric because it's textureless and clings to the body so much that you can see areolae and serrate impressions. Make no mistake, I love this piece, it's just an observation. I do get that you have only so much time to dedicate to your weekly pinup. This one is definitely getting saved in the "Awesome Folder!"


She's great! Here eyes are kinda wide, normally the upper eyelid covers the top of the iris. Might help her look less crazy. I'm SO sorry to be that guy giving advice, I really am.

James Champlin

Ohhh wow. I'll have her... I mean her drink... That same kind. That she's having. I'll have what she's having.


To be honest Ronin she looks a little psycho. If I saw her smiling wide eyed like that from across the fire pit I would probably run and hide. Otherwise her body and such as usual are very well done, its just that face may of not gotten the message you planned on trying to have her get across...she just looks too....jesus I would run yep run away


Thank you for your thought out response! Yeah, I agree, there could probably be more texture in the outfit. I'll have to look into ways I can do that. I try not to use photo textures, and hand painting some textures can be a bit overwhelming. It's still something I'd like to figure out, though, so I appreciate that you pointed it out. :)


Thanks for the input! I suppose it depends on the expression. Here's an example of an expression that doesn't cover the upper part of the iris: <a href="http://www.bybecky.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Walt-Disney-Screencaps-Princess-Rapunzel-walt-disney-characters-35849355-5000-2813.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.bybecky.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Walt-Disney-Screencaps-Princess-Rapunzel-walt-disney-characters-35849355-5000-2813.jpg</a> Many people have compared my work to this Disney style, so I felt it appropriate for an example. Still, most pinup expressions have that slightly closed eyed look that you are referring too, so I can see how some of my work might appear outside the norm.


The idea in my head was that there was just a tussle, which is why the furniture is all scratched up. I probably should have added an axe or two buried into the walls, to illustrate that further. Imagine her a bit out of breath from tavern fighting, and it might make a bit more sense. Good clean viking fun. XD


Ah I wouldn't of known that, the scratches and such just look like wear and tear from use. That girl gives no hint that there was a fight. Glad you did though, I wouldn't of known otherwise. If we look at it that way her face would now look like "I WANT MOAR BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOATS"


Haha, yeah, I guess I failed in the interpretation. I know I intended to add some weapons, but I ran out of time. Who knows, I may add them in later, if I can find the time. Maybe some scuffs and scrapes on her as well. Geez, now I wanna work on it more... SEE WHAT YOU DID?! lol


I'm not trying to tell you to change your style at all, in many of your works if fits quite nicely. It does make your girls all seem a bit surprised, but in many of the situations you catch them in it makes sense.


It's cool, man, I appreciate the honesty. :) I'll certainly keep it in mind as I make pictures like this. I feel it would make more sense if I scuffed her up and added some weapons like axes and daggers stuck into the furniture and walls. Like she just got finished with a tavern brawl. XD

James Champlin

I don't see it. To me she looks eager to please. The expression I'm seeing says "Hi!! Do you like me?"

James Champlin

Hey... I figure if I gotta be good at something, it might as well be writing comedy :D